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"Petamory - MR Digital Avatar, Revolutionizing Pet Commemoration"

Welcome to Petamory, we respect the lifelong emotional bond between pet owners and their beloved pets. Our Mixed Reality (MR) technology gives you the opportunity to create a digital twin of your beloved pet, allowing you to relive precious memories and commemorate your pet in a whole new way.


"Moments in Fur" - Exploring Profound Emotions in Pet Memorials

Through the stories of the interviewees, "Moments in Fur" authentically showcases the emotional world of pet memorials. This film encourages us to reflect on the meaning of love, life, and parting, while also motivating us to carry forward this special emotional connection in pet memorials. Whether it's Petamory or Grief Me Light, we will continue to be a source of strength and solace for pet owners in their memorial journeys


Top 5 Most Popular Cat Breeds in Hong Kong

Cats are an integral part of people's lives, bringing laughter, companionship, and warmth. In Hong Kong, a bustling city, the love for pet cats continues to grow. Here are the top five most popular cat breeds in Hong Kong, as compiled by the Pet Census. Each breed possesses unique characteristics that have captured the hearts of countless cat lovers.


5 Telltale Signs Not to Ignore When Your Dog is Sick

Dogs are among humanity's most loyal companions, unable to convey their feelings through words but communicating a wealth of health-related information through their body language. As dog owners, it's crucial to attentively observe their physical cues to detect potential signs of illness in a timely manner. Here are five bodily signals that your dog might show when they're not feeling well.


The Seven Superstitions Grieving Pet Owners May Wish to Observe

While the pain of loss is immense, these traditions provide pet owners with guidance and rituals that may offer comfort and a sense of connection to their departed companions, thus facilitating a smoother healing process for the owner, and potentially for the dearly departed pet.


Symptoms Of Aging in Dogs

Dogs, like people, will experience ageing, sickness and death. As pet owners, we can only prepare for the care of our beloved one when we are able to recognize what stage of the dog's life cycle they have reached.